Hello I am Erkin Abdullaev. MERN stack developer. I am 29 year-old and from Uzbekistan. I have been living in South Korea for more than 3 years and have a 6 months experience in web development. I have passion for coding and programming. I am currently looking for a job as a Full-Stack developer/NodeJs developer in South Korea. I mainly use NodeJs (ExpressJs) to build web-servers and ReactJs for frontend apps.
In this full-stack project a user can create notes for example repair-shop. Users can be assigned to thier job roles as admin,manager, and employee. Only Managers and Admins can access User Settings and can create new users.Notes are assigned to specific users and can only be deleted by Managers or Admins. Anyone can create a note and Employees can only view and edit their assigned notes. You can access the site as a manager: Joe password: joe94 Technology Stack (API) : NodeJs,ExpressJs,MongoDB,Mongoose,JWT,express-async-errors,express-rate-limit Technology Stack (Client) : ReactJs, Redux Toolkit & RTK Query, React-router,CSS, Javascript
Live Link Code LinkAmazing Airbnb-clone App built in NextJS13 with feauters below : * Google / Github authentication * Image upload using Cloudinary CDN * Client form validation and handling using react-hook-form * Calendars with react-date-range * Booking / Reservation system * Guest / Owner reservation cancellation * Creation and deletion of properties * Pricing calculation * Advanced search algorithm by category, date range, map location, number of guests, rooms and bathrooms * Shareable URL filters Technology Stack : NextJS.13 App Router,Typescript,Next-Auth,ReactJs,MongoDB,Prisma,react-hook-form, Zustand - for state management I will upload the project to the cloud soon !!!
Code Link Live LinkFullstack E-commerce App with Admin Dashboard Features: Users can add the product to the cart,give a rate the product, comment about the product, can pay with PayPal and manage their orders Admin dashboard gives opportunity manage orders and users of the app, admin can create a new product, delete and edit it As well as, admin can manage users and orders information, and analyse sale information with admin dashboard Technology Stack (API) : NodeJS,ExpressJS,MongoDB,Jsonwebtoken,mailgun-js,cloudinary Technology Stack (Client) : ReactJs, Context API, React-router,axios,react-bootstrap,react-toastify
Live Link Code LinkFull Stack NextJs App with Google Auth Technology Stack: NextJS,MongoDB,next-auth
Live Link Code LinkFull Stack NextJs App with Google and Github Auth Technology Stack: NextJS,Typescript,MongoDB & Prisma,NextAuth,TailwindCSS
Live Link Code LinkTalk-a-tive is a Full Stack Chatting App. Uses Socket.io for real time communication and stores user details in encrypted format in Mongo DB Database. It is possible to upload photos during sign-up in cloudinary ... Features: Authentication,One to One chat, Search Users,Create Group chat, Add or Remove users from group, View others Profile Technology Stack (API) : NodeJs,ExpressJs,MongoDB,Mongoose,JWT,express-async-handler,socket.io Technology Stack (Client) : ReactJs, Context API, React-router,socket.io-client,cloudinary,axios,chakra-ui
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